Chicken Pot Pie

Credit: Brad Kidwell

Firehouse servings: 4


  • 1 rotisserie chicken or 4 chicken breast
  • Bag of frozen peas
  • 1lb carrots
  • 1lb celery
  • 1 cup chopped white onion
  • 4 cups chicken stock
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 1\2 stick butter.. Unsalted
  • Pillsbury pie crust (4) or home made pie crust
  • 1Tbls rosemary
  • 2Tbls black pepper
  • 1 tsp thyme
  • 1 tsp sage
  • 1 tsp marjoram


  • If your making your pie crust from scratch do that first.
  • Pull rotisserie chicken, or cube and cook chicken breast.
  • In a large pot add/or make the chicken stock. Keep it hot, not boiling.
  • add the butter to the chicken stock to melt.
  • chop carrots and add to chicken stock.
  • chop celery and add to chicken stock.
  • chop onion and add to chicken stock.
  • add frozen peas to chicken stock.
  • add rosemary, black pepper, thyme, sage, and marjoram to chicken stock.
  • in a measuring cup, or bowl, mix flour and cold milk till all flour is dissolved.
  • bring stock and veggies to a boil and immediately reduce heat.
  • Stir in flour/milk mix to thicken the stock and make a gravy. You may not need all of the flour/milk mix. As you add, remember the gravy will get thicker with time, so stop adding the flour/milk mix just short of what you think is thick enough.
  • Add the cooked chicken
  • Add 1/8th cup flour to the bottom of a 12 or 14in cast iron skillet and with your hands coat all surfaces of the skillet with the flour.
  • Put first pie crust in floured skillet
  • Fill the pie about 3/4 of the way to the top edge of the skillet / crust.
  • Cover filling with the second pie crust.
  • With your fingers or a fork, squeeze the two pie crusts together the entire way around the edge of the skillet. Remove excess pie crust if you have any.
  • Make relief cuts in the center of the top pie crust to allow for expansion as it bakes.
  • Of course, do all this again for the second pie.
  • Bake at 350 30 to 45 mins, or until you pie crust are golden brown.
  • Cool for 30 mins, its pot pie, after 30 mins it will still be molten lava in your mouth.