There are untold ways to top these, so this recipe is what we used this night. It’s a great one if it’s been a busy day.


  • 2 loaves of Italian bread
  • 1 lb of Italian sausage
  • 1 lb of pepperoni
  • red sauce (open a can, or make your own)
  • cheese (we used all the left over stuff in the fridge)
  • 2 jalapenos
  • 1 can of chunked pineapple
  • 1 stick of unsalted butter
  • 2 – 4 tsp of minced garlic

Prepare the bread by slicing it in half. Melt the butter and add the garlic, then spread it on the bread. Brown the bread with the broiler. Be careful noob, this happens fast.

Smash the bread down for all the stuff! A ladle or gloved hand works well.

Tonight we found out our broiler doesn’t work.

Top it and bake it until the cheese melts. Slice and serve with salad.

Pepperoni / Italian Sausage / Spinach / Mozzarella / Cheddar